Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Last Friday, Morgan took me out with her to meet some friends from her church for a night of go-carting and Georgian food! (The country, not the state of course.)

First we took a 30 minute journey through the Metro then we crossed a very busy street and almost got run over. Then we got in a car and I wanted to die. Anyone who knows me, knows that I HATE cars and driving and everything related to it. But Russian drivers are like NYC cab drivers on crack. I kid you not, I thought I was gonna die.

But, finally we arrived and got into these NASCAR jumpsuits and I found myself in a go-cart. And guess what?! I was flooring the gas, never got pulled over, never hit anything or anyone AND I came in 5th out of 12 people.

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Afterwards we went to this Georgian restaurant. You know how Americans really like Mexican food? Georgian food is like the Mexican food of Russia. We had these mushrooms with bread and cheese inside, and these HUGE dumplings with either meat and mint inside or potato and cheese. Then we had this flat bread with herbs and gooey cheese. And this big round pastry with cheese and a raw egg in the middle! Basically the key word is cheese. It was so good. Like really really good.
In the middle of our meal a small bug started crawling across the table, we called over the waitress who called over the manager who apologized profusely and gave a pitcher of this lime green drink that could probably glow in the dark. We made sure it didn't have any alcohol, before trying it. It was heavily carbonated and tasted like a combination of green apple and black licorice. And it also, following the trend of the restaurant, was sooooo good. 


  1. Glad you were able to get away for this adventure. Looks fun.

  2. I guess you were practicing for your driver's license test when you get home. The food sounds yummy except for the raw egg in the middle.
